
Representations of Nature in the Works of Dylan Thomas and Ted Hughes

Need help to explain the representations of nature in Dylan Thomas’ “The Force That Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower” and Ted Hughes’ “Wind”? Here is a possible answer. Over 800 words. English/Welsh/British Literature.

Perguntas Sobre Teorias da Tradução

Para que serve uma teoria de tradução? Até que ponto essa teoria pode auxiliar um tradutor em formação? Encontre estas respostas e mais.

História e Religião nos Poemas de Kaváfis

Artigo com resenha crítica sobre o livro "Poemas de Konstantinos Kaváfis" e análise da história e religião nos poemas de Kaváfis, com foco nas recorrentes temáticas da cruz, Juliano e Antioquia.

Análise do Enredo da Obra Jogos Vorazes / The Hunger Games

Análise do Enredo da Obra Jogos Vorazes de Suzanne Collins. Introdução sobre a Teoria do Enredo no quesito acadêmico, Apresentação da Obra e Autora, Análise da Obra em Gênero, Realidade, Narração e Linguagem e a História em si. Apresenta análise e explicação de trechos.

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The Hunger Games - An Academic Review 

The objective of this review is to analyse and describe some of the main issues presented in the plot of the book Hunger Games, written by the North-American author Suzanne Collins. This review will examine some of the post-apocalyptical and dystopical problems resulting from the post-war period described in the book, such as hunger, poverty, disease, government’s oppression, lost of identity, murder, torture, the power of media and its possible mental and political control, feminism, among others. This review will also try to explore the origins of the ideas that may have influenced the creation of this literary work, and compare its similarities with other works previously published by other authors in the literary world. In addition, certain relevant narrative criteria chosen by the author will be examined.

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